This week is Dental Health Week in Australia. Dental health week runs the first full week of August which this year is the 1st to the 7th. Dental Health Week is the Australian Dental Association’s promotional campaign where dental practitioners all over Australia aim to educate patients about the importance of looking after their dental health. This year the theme is love your teeth. Skye Dental promotes great oral hygiene all year round but having one week specifically tailored to promoting good oral health practice allows for us to raise awareness of the importance of taking care of your teeth and gums.
The campaign’s key messages are very simple but can make a real difference to your dental health. These include brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and using dental floss or interdental brushes to clean between your teeth. Regular 6 monthly dental check-ups are recommended at Skye Dental as they are important for preventive care as they often defect any small changes in your dental health before you can notice that anything is wrong. Having a healthy diet and avoiding too much sugar assists in maintaining strong and healthy cavity-free teeth. Doing all these things helps you love and appreciate your teeth.
Losing teeth shouldn’t be considered a normal part of getting older, and when you visit Skye Dental regularly, we can work with you to help you enjoy a healthy smile that you will love for life. Visit our website to book or call our friendly team on 3823 1896 to start your journey to loving your teeth.
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