Jaw Disorder Treatment Brisbane

If you’re suffering from ongoing jaw discomfort and pain, you should contact your local Capalaba dentist. Skye Dental offers assessment and treatment options on  jaw disorder treatment in Brisbane. Our treatment is designed to detect and treat jaw joint dysfunction in an efficient and timely manner.

If jaw joint dysfunction is not diagnosed properly and treated early enough, it has the potential to cause a wide range of painful symptoms. Temperomandibular joint disorder encompasses a variety of conditions that cause tenderness and pain in the joint located near your ears.

Skye Dental’s qualified dentists provide quality jaw disorder treatment in Brisbane to assist in diagnosing and treating pain.

TMJ Disorder

A jaw disorder (TMJ Disorder/ TMD) is commonly associated with the following symptoms:

Migraines or severe headaches

Clicking or popping sounds of the jaw joint

Pain in and around the ears or muscles around the face, or pain which feels like it is behind the eyes

Head, neck or facial pain

Grinding or clenching the teeth (also known as bruxism)

Ringing in the ears

Tingling in the fingers

Vertigo or blurry vision

Limited jaw movement

Unrestful sleep

To find out more information about Skye Dental’s jaw disorder treatment in Brisbane, please get in contact with our friendly team on 07 3823 1896 or use our simple online booking system to make an appointment.

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Appointment Today!

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